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Applicant information for the Master's Program

Thank you very much for your interest in the Master of Science in Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences course at the Faculty of Medicine and Mathematics and Natural Sciences

On this page, you can find information on general admission requirements, the application process as well as the required documents. Please note that students with a foreign Bachelor degree have to apply differently (see below).

Admission Requirements

You will find detailed information on all admission requirements on our website under "Downloads". Scroll down and you will find links to the respective pdf files. Please read the document carefully! The following list is just a general overview!

  1. a: first professional degree in a neuroscientific programme in which at least 180 credit points (LP) have been earned
  2. proof of knowledge of the English language at level B2 CEFR (by means of an Abitur certificate or an examination (TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate, IELTS, Telc Certificate, KMK Fremdsprachenzertifikat or equivalent; for exceptions see the Amendment of Admission Regulations on our Download Page)


  1.  b: equivalent degree in a programme of study which is very similar in content. A considerable proximity in terms of content exists in particular if there are 60 credit points (LPs) in the field of neuroscience or its fundamentals (for an orientation see the module overview of our Bachelor programme)
  2. proof of knowledge of the English language at level B2 CEFR (by means of an Abitur certificate or an examination (TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate, IELTS, Telc Certificate, KMK Fremdsprachenzertifikat or equivalent; for exceptions see the Amendment of Admission Regulations on our Download Page)

Application Deadlines

Also see the information by the International Office.

  • Applications with a German degree have to be submitted via KLIPS2.0 until
    15th of July for the Winter Term (starting October) and
    15th of January for the Summer Term (starting April).
  • For applicants with a non-German degree, the same deadlines apply. They can request a VPD at any time of the year but should take into account that they need to request the VPD on time.

Applicants that have no citizenship or residence in a member state of the European Union should consider to prepare in time for visa applications. For further information please visit the website of the International Office of the University of Cologne.

Please note: The processing of applications takes up to 4 weeks after the application deadline, as the examination by the international office takes time. No admissions or rejections will be made in advance.


Should you have queries about the general application process, please address the advisor of coordination for the Neuroscience programs, Samir Delonge (see contacts). Should your query concern applications with a foreign Bachelor's degree, please contact the International office.


Application procedure