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Winter Term 2024/2025

Dear Students,

the winter term 2024/2025 will start on the 1.10.2024. Lectures will start on the 7.10.2024.

Welcoming words will be adressed to first semesters on the 7.10.2024 at 9:00 a.m. by the rector of the University of Cologne in the "Aula" (Main Building, Albertus-Magnus-Platz Cologne)

The official lecture period terminates the 31.01.2025, the semester end on the 31.03.2025.

Detailed Information about university-wide dates can be found on

Introductory Event Winter Term 2024/2025

Dear Students,

We want to invite you to our introductory event for the coming summer term. For all freshmen, we offer an introduction to the study programme and want to provide you with information on its organisation and the most important contacts etc. Naturally, you will get the opportunity to ask questions.

Some representatives of our student council will also be present to introduce themselves.

The event for the Master freshmen will be set on the 2nd of October 2024 at 12:20 p.m. in the Anatomy Building in Seminar Room 1 (Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße, Building 35).

We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Module Registration M.Sc. Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences

Information about Module registration and offered courses for the Master program (latest update 18 September 2024)


Liebe Studierende,

einen Überblick über alles Wichtige zum Studienstart haben wir in der neuen Erstsemesterbroschüre zusammengefasst. 

Darüber hinaus finden Sie auch wichtige Informationen zu Modulen und der Prüfungsordnung auf diesen Seiten.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern.

General information for Master's students

How do I register for courses via Klips 2.0?

All non-space limited modules are selected via Klips 2.0. This will be explained in detail. Please read it through completely. Each advanced module is defined by three factors: Firstly, course type, secondly, examination type, and thirdly, CP.

The courses are assigned to the modules according to the parameters. Since there are courses with the same factors, which are accordingly assigned to the same advanced module, there are sub slides for each advanced module (advanced module 8, sub slide "Advanced module 8a", sub slide "Advanced module 8b", sub slide "Advanced module 8c" etc.).

You can occupy each sub slide only once! Therefore, make sure that the sub slide is free and has not yet been occupied by other modules! For students in the first semester, all sub slides are still free. If students of the higher semesters have already taken 8a, then please take a sub slide that is free, e.g., 8b.


Clinical Neuroscience I has a lecture and practice part as course types and a presentation as examination and it counts 6 CP. It is anchored under Advanced Module 11. Molecular Neuroimmunology also has a lecture, a practice part, a presentation and 6 CP and is therefore also anchored under Advanced Module 11.In order to be able to take both modules, you have to select them in two different sub slides, for example Clinical Neuroscience I in 11a and Molecular Neuroimmunology in 11b.

It is also important to remember that courses always consist of several course parts. In Clinical Neuroscience I, it is a lecture and a practice part. You must select both in Klips - and both in the same sub slide!

Important information about individual modules

Retinal Immunology and Gene Regulation, Quantitative Microscopy take place both in summer and winter semester. 

Animal models in Neuroloscientific Research consists of one part in the summer semester and one in the winter semester. You need both parts to get the CP of the module. The part in the summer semester overlaps with Quantitative Microscopy, Neural Function I and Retinal Immunology. It ist possible to combine it with Computational Neuroscience, however.  

Module catalogues for each module containing further information about content, learning methods, requirements and lecturers are found on the website:

In order to attend the Seminar Module Neurobiology: Genes, Circuits, and Behavior, you must also have registered for the Lecture Module Neurobiology: Genes, Circuits, and Behavior.

This semester, there will be an overlap 

  • of the modules “Quantitative Microscopy”, "Neural Function I", "Retinal Immunology" and "Animal Models".

However, we are trying to make it work that at least the modules "Retinal Immunology" and "Quantitative Microscopy" can be combined. The module "Computational Neuroscience" does not interfere with any of the other modules.

“Animal models in Neuroscientific Research” consist of one part in the winter semester and one in the summer semester. You need both parts to get the CP of the module! Please note that it overlaps with the biology modules of the second half of the SS!

“Quantitative Microscopy”, “Retinal Immunology” and “Animal models in Neuroscientific Research” take place during both the winter and summer term.

Important information about the Master's Degree

As you can see in Klips you need 66 CP from the advanced modules, 2 supplementary modules and the master thesis to complete the master. Explanation: You need either exactly 66 CP or a whole module more from the advanced modules. That means 66 CP works, 72 CP works, 75 CP works, 78 CP works, but 69 CP e.g. does not work! In other words: If you choose a module with 9 CP you need another module with 9 CP to get exact 66 CP! 

If you have any questions about the choice or the assignment please write to Mr. Delonge or visit him during his office hours Mon and Wed from 10-12 o'clock. If necessary, you can also arrange individual appointments.

Students who started the degree while the old examination regulations still applied (first semester before WS 15/16) can view the courses via Klips 2.0 ( and the given course numbers without account, but they also have to make their choice manually via Mr. Delonge. The above mentioned office hours apply. 

Course evaluation

Dear students,

The courses of the degree programs "B.Sc. Neurosciences" and "M.Sc. Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences" can be evaluated via the evaluation form until they are integratied into the university wide evaluation system EVASYS. To start the evaluation please click on the following link:

Evaluation form (download)

An English version of the evaluation form will soon be provided. You can fill in the form for each individual course or module. Please send the completed form either by e-mail or by post to the coordinator of the study programmes Samir Delonge.