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Du bist im ersten Semester?

Wichtige Infos haben wir dir auf unserer Website hier zusammengestellt.

Außerdem gibt es eine Erstsemesterbroschüre incl. Plan der Uniklinik.

Und nicht zuletzt hat auch die Fachschaft einiges für euch vorbereitet: Erstsemester-Infos der Fachschaft

The B.Sc. Program in Neuroscience

The research-orientated Bachelor degree program of the Faculty of Medicine provides the necessary medical and academically scientific basics, for example chemistry, physics, physiology, biochemistry and neuroanatomy, as well as the more specific neuroscientific modules such as neuroanatomy of rodents, cognitive neurosciences, stereotaxis and neurohistology (for more information see the module catalogue). During the fourth semester the students do a scientific research-orientated internship (6 months) in an institute or a company of choice. This enables the students to attain hands-on education and learn the neuroscientific methods in step with actual practice.

The Bachelor study in ended by a three-monthly Bachelor thesis, in which the candidates prove their ability of independently working on neuroscientific questions and documenting their work scientifically.


Career objective and prospectives

The wide range of this educational program in an academical as well as technical and practical sense enables the students to accomplish an occupational qualification after graduating. Also, the Bachelor of Science Neurosciences generally qualifies the graduates to apply for scientific Master and Fast-Track-Ph.D. programmes offered worldwide.